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At one point I was a high school and college freshmen athlete, and then the next thing I knew I was gaining the seemingly obligatory "freshman 15" and then some.

After graduating from NYU in 2007, I worked in film and television at Comedy Central and on a few Miramax films before coming back home to Ohio to have my first child. At 5'1 and 174 lbs., I developed gestational diabetes and began learning about how important clean eating was to my system. In 1999, I actually gave birth to Taylor who weighed 6 lbs., and I ended up weighing the same amount (174 lbs.) as I started nine months ago! 

It was thereafter that I began to get serious about my physical ability. I lost over 60 pounds in 7 months. Even though I had two more children after that, I got subsequently tighter and leaner coinciding with what I began to learn about exercise and the human body. Each year I continue to get stronger physically, spiritually and professionally. I ride what moves - rather what inspires change.  Change is an action word! Let's continue to grow & GO!

I research and research more. I have the ability to choreograph numerous group formats along with the ability to work with individuals one-on-one in personal training. I am limitless in my energy because I view it as an act of service. When I teach, regardless to how I feel, I know that the people in the room came to be inspired and uplifted in their physical pursuits. I do my best to provide energetic, creative, safe and effective classes and programs. I stay on the cutting edge and am always aware of the latest fitness studies, trends, equipment and guidelines.


I have been teaching numerous formats for over 8 years. Whether it is cardiokick, jump rope, boxing, dance based, Pilates infused, cycle or strength, I give each class my best in designing, implementing, modifying and motivating each and every participant. My goal is to make everyone in the room feel special and to carry that feeling with them throughout their day and life....each person....each class at a time.


Each class is as beautiful as each moment. As with breath, you never know what it will inspire.


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